Personally, this project gave me a great opportunity to meet new people, to travel in another country and to achieve knowledge about Spanish culture and language. I have gained skills in Electrics and Electronics by working with high standard equipment provided by the I. E. S Politecnico Hermenegildo Lanz. – Gabriel Lază
The trip to Spain finally made me realise that I want to travel around the world discovering new things and also that it’s not only about the place you travel to but also the people you meet there.The next step is moving to Granada and graduating the college here. – Ștefan-Daniel Chitez
It was an amazing experience, I have learned many new thing in the Electrics and Electronics fields and I want to visit another Spanish cities because I like Granada a lot. – Robert Darea
It was a great journey around Europe and I loved that I was put to deal by myself with the electrics and electronics in the practice time. – Flavius Tiripan
I love the organisation, our partner made our journey in Spain easily, and I learned more about the subject I am studying with all the interest. – Cosmin Stefan
Even it was a little hard to go away from home, I learned that this world worth to be discovered, and Spain is a real cultural book, opened to everyone. – Alexandru Brinza
In my opinion, this project is a great way to get in touch with other people and other countries. Here in Granada, the people are very kind and friendly, they always smile and say “hola” in a friendly way. We also love the school, the teachers are so nice and sociable, they always want to make sure that we understood the lesson. I hope I will live here in the future because it’s a nice place with nice people. I love Granada and Spain!
Thank you. Much love from Romania! – Robert Stavru
In my opinion it was a good experience.I like the city.It’s a clean city with good,respectful and kind people.I like the school and the teachers because they are so respectful.I love the way they teach us and they ask us every time if we understood the lesson.I like the practice we do because we can better understand the theory that we did before. – Alexandru Murat
In opinia mea, experienta capatata in acest proiect mi-a fost benefica, pentru ca mi-am imbunatatit abilitatile in domeniul electric, in acelasi timp mi-am exersat engleza si am invatat putina spaniola.
Granada, este un oras foarte frumos, curat, cu oameni foarte amabili, cu foarte multe obiective turistice si locuri de vizitat. Mi-a facut foarte mare placere sa locuiesc in acest oras si sa particip la acest proiect. – Marinescu Radu
Dupa parerea mea, proiectul Erasmus+ a avut un rol deosebit de important in formarea abilitatilor practice cat si a colaborarii in echipa. Un alt rol important a fost si actualizarea unei limbi straine (Engleza). Pe langa abilitatile practice in domeniul electric care ne va fi de mare folos pe viitor, am vizitat si numeroase atractii turistice cum ar fi: Alhabra, Gibraltar… In concluzie proiectul Erasmus+ a fost un real succes. Vreau sa multumesc doamnei Mocanu Iolanda coordonatorul acestui proiect si doamnei dirigine Vasiliu Adriana care ne-a insotit pe tot parcursul acestui proiect. – Gabriel Sivriu
Aceasta experienta a fost unica in viata mea pana in momentul de fata datorita faptului ca am experimentat lucruri noi (zborul cu avionul de exemplu), am pasit pe taramuri straine lucru la care nu ma gandeam sa se intample in viitorul apropiat, am intalnit si cunoscut oameni noi de diferite nationalitati si cu diferite mentalitati, dar nu in ultimul rand am invatat si acumulat informatii noi in domeniul in care vreau sa profesez in viitorul apropiat.Vreau sa multumesc tuturor celor care au luat parte la initierea si desfasurarea proiectului fiindca mi-au oferit o asemenea oportunitate. – Turcu Marian
Dupa parerea mea aceasta acest schimb de experienta a avut un impact destul de puternic asupra mea deoarece am invatat sa ma descurc intr-o societate fara părinți. Ne-a ajutat sa ne imbunatatim abilitatile in domeniul practic dar si in domeniul lingvistic. Conditiile de cazare au fost foarte bune iar mancarea cu specific spaniol a fost extraordinara din punctul meu de vedete. Excursiile la Malaga Alhambra si Gibraltar au fost bine organizate si zonele frumoase pe care le-am admirat in timpul excursiilor nu le voi putea uita! A fost un proiect frumos si reusit din care am avut foarte multe de invatat! – Potlog Petty